My vacation with Winston to Hawaii was pretty relaxed considering all of the things we squeezed in while there. Our main reasons for going were to help seal my dad to his parents in the temple, and to attend the my brother's wedding. A big bonus was W getting to meet his Grandpa, Uncle Ben, Aunt Sarah & Uncle Justin, and his cousin Tillie. I'm so happy that my entire family knows W now!
On top of the big family events we also squeezed in a little bit of beach time (there would have been more if it hadn't rained 90% of our stay), some awesome Hawaiian eats, a bridal shower, some shopping, a mini Christmas with the fam, and lots of chillin at home talking story. Oh, and one trip to the hospital for W's fever- luckily, it was nothing more than a small stomach virus that he projectile vomited across the temple bathroom floor and said goodbye to :)
Photo proof:
On the flight to Hawaii W had his very own seat! He just sat there played almost the whole trip without making a peep, and when he was tired he just laid down, pulled his swaddle up over his face, and crashed. He is so perfect :)
W trying avocado for the first time
W and Tillie- W would get so excited every time he saw Tillie and just wanted to grab her face. Tillie didn't always love it, but she's pretty solid so I think she'll be able to hold her own just fine :)
W opening his very first Christmas present the best way he knows how.
So happy! Thanks for all the great gifts everyone!
W's first steps into the ocean. He didn't seem to mind the water even though it was a little chilly, but the rushing of the waves he wasn't too sure about.
Mama and her little beach babe
I love the color of the water behind us- I just wish W had kept his eyes open for this one :)
Sarah & Justin brought Tillie to the beach for her first time too. Tillie didn't keep her eyes open for the photo either, but unlike W, I think she was asleep- she crashed the second Sarah brought her out of the water.
All bundled up after our swim
Little grom in the making
W just sat here all wrapped up watching the waves for the longest time. I finally took him inside when he started nodding off and almost fell over. I guess he finds the ocean calming like his mama.

Ang and his lovely new wife, Mary*
Happy to be married... and we're happy to have him married :)
Pa, Granna and the newlyweds**
W smiled and giggled for most of our trip so I think it's safe to say he loves his family and all the attention they give him. He also loved not having to wear clothes... he reminds me a lot of Ben :)
*All wedding photos courtesy of SBrown Photography
**I am the worst Mama/daughter in the world and didn't manage to take a single photo of W with his Pa & Granna. I've been kicking myself ever since, but just know that W LOVED them!!