
100 Years in a Day

Saturday Tyler and I drove across the state of Pennsylvania and effectively covered over 100 years of history in one day. We started in Philadelphia where Tyler was able to see a few of the historical sites I saw a couple weeks ago. Then we headed out to Valley Forge and walked through General Washington's headquarters. Then we drove a few hours over to Gettysburg and wandered the battlefields there. Both of us realized that we tend to lump the Revolutionary War and the American Civil War together in history. It was kind of interesting to think about how the Civil War happened 100 years after our country was formed and interesting to think about how far our country has come in another 100 or so years.

I don't know what I was expecting to find at Gettysburg, perhaps some misty, eerie woods like in Remember the Titans, but I was impressed with what was there. The battlefields where thousands of Americans died fighting their own countrymen were littered with memorials to various infantries, states, generals and other significant soldiers. There were hundreds of monuments covering the beautiful countryside of all shapes and sizes. Some of the markers were built shortly after the war while others were brand new. It was incredible to see and feel the impact of the Civil War on our country. We also stopped by the Soldiers National Cemetery and saw the place where Abraham Lincoln dedicated the land and delivered the Gettysburg Address. Tyler and I both felt bad because we realized how little we actually know about the war, so it looks like I need to take a refresher course in American History; it really is something that I would like to know more about. At the same time, it was really cool knowing that in one day I stood in the exact spot where George Washington stood and the exact spot where Abraham Lincoln stood, both in the midst of a war, making history.

Tyler and I also had the privilege of driving through Lancaster County, aka Amish Country, over the weekend. We stopped in a quilt shop, a bake shop, a furniture shop and an antique shop. I loved it all! I decided that Ma and Pa would be good Amish folk because they have the quilting and bread making down, plus we all know how Pa could easily lose the cell phone and TV. We saw soooo many people in their little horse carriages and I decided that I would love to live Amish style for a while. Tyler gave me permission so if anyone else is interested let me know :) Unfortunately, I didn't really get any pictures because it was raining and I felt awkward taking a picture of someone in their carriage, so you'll just have to trust me when I say it was beautiful, peaceful country.

(Picture courtesy of Google Images)

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